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S.No. Course NameFeesArhamvijja ShareOrganization ShareTeacher ShareDescriptionEditDelete
1APM for Adults at Chichondi1500500500500This course is designed for the batches to be conducted only in the Chichondi Premises. Entire course must be conducted offline at Chichondi Premises only.
2APM for Patients3000100010001000This is a course which shall be conducted only for patients suffering from different diseases.
3APM for Adults300013007001000APM 4 step course for Adults with full fees of Rs.3,000/-
4APM for KIDS9004500450APM full course for KIDS below 18 years.
5APM for KIDS (School Group)10050050This course is designed for Schools Groups / Classes Groups
6APM in 28 Days5000100010003000This is a program where you learn APM in 28 days.