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“जे अणण्णदंसी से अणण्णारामे
जे अणण्णारामे से अणण्णदंसी।”
– Ācārāṅga Sūtra”

Those who look within do not look elsewhere for happiness, and those who do not look elsewhere for happiness look within. There is only the self, and in that singular self, everything is recognized and seen. That’s Dhyan..

Upadhyay Shri Rishi Praveen developed Arham Purushakar Meditation in 2004 through a self-trained process.

The given name Arham There are numerous concepts associated with Purushakar Meditation, which become crystal evident only when we dissect each syllable. This Meditation assists your soul in awakening one’s inner self and igniting your soul’s full potential. It is also a healing meditation practice that blends color, mantra, and form therapies in an effort to create harmony within the physical, karmic, and luminous bodies of the practitioner.

In Arham Purushakar Meditation, practitioners are not required to maintain a specific posture, mudra, or mantra. Meditation is intrinsically divine, and its practitioners are as unconditional as it is. There are no requirements, no command, no time, no place, no imagination, and no specific position to fulfill. It is not required that you practice it on an empty stomach or with your back to the east or south. It can be performed anywhere and at any time. Either you are in a car, or a plane or you have a 10-minute pause between everyday tasks.

Meditation deals with one’s self— the Atma and the Paramatma, and time or place cannot be a deterrent. In other words, this meditation technique can be practised anywhere, any time! Moreover, the technique is simple and easy to follow. It suits people of all ages, from eight to 80, and beyond. Every person practising Arham Purushakar Meditation regularly can benefit from it, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

Since its inception in 2004, we have seen thousands of lives transformed by Arham Purushakar Meditation. We look forward to sharing more about it with you!

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